If you`re a tenant who needs to make changes to your lease agreement, it`s important to approach the matter carefully and professionally. It`s best to prepare a letter to your landlord outlining the proposed changes and explaining why they are necessary. Here are some tips on how to draft a letter to change your lease agreement.

1. Start with a polite greeting. Address your landlord by name and start your letter with a courteous salutation, such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Hello, Jane.”

2. Explain the reason for the proposed changes. Be clear and concise about why you need to modify the lease agreement. Whether you`re requesting a new payment schedule or asking for permission to bring in a roommate, it`s important to explain why this change is necessary for you.

3. Provide details about the proposed changes. In your letter, be specific about what you are proposing. Include any relevant dates, payment amounts, or other important information.

4. Offer a solution that benefits both parties. When proposing changes to the lease agreement, it`s important to consider how they will impact your landlord. Offer a solution that will benefit both parties, such as a rent increase in exchange for adding a roommate.

5. Thank your landlord for their time and consideration. Close your letter with a polite thank you and a request for a response. Let your landlord know that you appreciate their attention to this matter and look forward to hearing from them.

When drafting your letter, keep in mind that it`s important to be professional and respectful. Avoid using confrontational language or making demands. Instead, focus on presenting your proposal in a clear and persuasive manner.

Finally, before sending your letter, make sure to proofread it carefully for grammar and spelling errors. Remember, the goal is to persuade your landlord to agree to your proposed changes, and a well-written letter can go a long way in achieving that goal.