Subject-Verb Agreement Examples Words

Subject-Verb Agreement Examples Words

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most basic rules of grammar that can make or break the clarity and accuracy of your writing. Simply put, it means that the subject and verb in a sentence should agree in both number and person. Correct subject-verb agreement not only makes your writing more polished and professional but also improves its effectiveness in communicating your message.

Here are some subject-verb agreement examples for different types of words:

1. Singular subjects and verbs


– The cat runs around the house.

– My friend likes to read books.

In these sentences, the singular subjects (cat, friend) require singular verbs (runs, likes), which agree with them in number and person.

2. Plural subjects and verbs


– The dogs chase each other in the park.

– Our parents always encourage us to do our best.

In these sentences, the plural subjects (dogs, parents) require plural verbs (chase, encourage), which agree with them in number and person.

3. Indefinite pronouns


– Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

– Some of the cake was left in the fridge.

Indefinite pronouns (such as everyone, someone, something, anything, etc.) can be singular or plural depending on their meaning in the context. In the first example, everyone is singular and requires a singular verb, while their is used as a gender-neutral pronoun to avoid using he or she. In the second example, some is treated as singular and was is the correct verb to agree with it.

4. Collective nouns


– The team is playing well this season.

– The government has announced new measures to tackle climate change.

Collective nouns (such as team, government, committee, family, etc.) refer to a group of people or things viewed as a single unit. They can take either singular or plural verbs depending on whether the emphasis is on the group as a whole or on its individual members. In the first example, team is singular and requires is, while in the second example, government is singular and requires has.

5. Compound subjects


– Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite sandwich.

– The book and the movie were both very entertaining.

Compound subjects (such as peanut butter and jelly, the book and the movie, etc.) are two or more subjects joined by a conjunction (usually and, or, neither…nor, either…or). They can be either singular or plural depending on whether they are viewed as a single entity or as separate entities. In the first example, peanut butter and jelly is considered a single item and therefore takes a singular verb, while in the second example, the book and the movie are considered two separate items and therefore take plural verbs.

In summary, subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and effective writing. By using these examples and paying attention to the number and person of your subjects and verbs, you can avoid common errors and ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and easy to understand.