Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing that ensures grammatical accuracy and clarity in communication. It is essential to ensure that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number and person. In this article, we will discuss different subject-verb agreement examples with answers to help you improve your writing skills.

1. Singular subject and singular verb

In this case, the subject and verb are both in the singular form. For instance:

Example: The cat walks on the table.

In this example, the subject (cat) and the verb (walks) are both in the singular form.

2. Plural subject and plural verb

In this case, both the subject and verb are in the plural form. For instance:

Example: The dogs bark loudly in the park.

In this example, the subject (dogs) and the verb (bark) are both in the plural form.

3. Collective nouns and singular verbs

In this case, collective nouns can take both singular and plural verbs depending on the context. Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things, such as team, family, group, etc. For instance:

Example: The group is planning to go on a vacation.

In this example, the verb (is planning) is in the singular form because the collective noun (group) is treated as a singular entity.

Example: The family are all gathered in the living room.

In this example, the verb (are gathered) is in the plural form because the collective noun (family) is treated as a group of individuals.

4. Indefinite pronouns and singular verbs

Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things and are treated as singular. For instance:

Example: Someone has left their jacket on the chair.

In this example, the verb (has left) is in the singular form because the indefinite pronoun (someone) is treated as a singular entity.

Example: Each of the students has their own stationery.

In this example, the verb (has) is in the singular form because the indefinite pronoun (each) is treated as a singular entity.

5. Compound subjects and plural verbs

Compound subjects refer to two or more subjects joined by conjunctions such as “and” or “or.” In this case, the verb takes the plural form. For instance:

Example: John and Jane are playing basketball.

In this example, the verb (are playing) is in the plural form because the compound subject (John and Jane) refers to two individuals.

Example: Either the teacher or the students have misplaced the book.

In this example, the verb (have misplaced) is in the plural form because the compound subject (the teacher and the students) refers to more than one individual.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial in writing. By considering the examples discussed in this article, you can improve your writing skills and ensure that your communication is grammatically accurate and clear. Remember always to check for subject-verb agreement in your writing to avoid errors and improve your writing.