The Asia–Pacific Coal Ash Association (ACAA) has signed an agreement with the Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to promote the safe use of coal ash in the Asia–Pacific region. The agreement, known as the APEC Coal Ash Partnership, was signed in September 2019 and focuses on the safe and environmentally sustainable use of coal ash in infrastructure and construction projects.

Coal ash is a byproduct of coal-fired power plants and can be used in a variety of construction materials, including concrete and cement. However, if not handled properly, coal ash can also pose a risk to human health and the environment. The APEC Coal Ash Partnership aims to mitigate these risks by promoting best practices and guidelines for the use of coal ash.

Under the agreement, the ACAA and APEC will work together to develop training materials, host workshops, and conduct research on the safe use of coal ash. The partnership will also provide technical assistance to APEC member economies and facilitate information sharing among stakeholders.

The APEC Coal Ash Partnership is a significant step forward for the safe and sustainable use of coal ash in the Asia–Pacific region. By promoting best practices and guidelines, the partnership will help to minimize the environmental impact of coal ash and protect human health. It will also facilitate the use of coal ash in construction projects, supporting economic growth and sustainable development.

In addition to the APEC Coal Ash Partnership, the ACAA has also worked to promote the safe use of coal ash through its own initiatives. These include the development of industry standards, the promotion of research and development, and the dissemination of information on best practices.

Overall, the ACPA agreement is a positive development for the Asia–Pacific region. By promoting the safe and sustainable use of coal ash, the partnership will help to mitigate environmental risks while supporting economic growth and sustainable development.